

The user will have the option to purchase the Products using the Subscription Service, thus enjoying the possibility of receiving the products selected during the purchase, according to the chosen frequency (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly).
If the Registered User decides to make use of the Subscription Service, he/she will be subject to the specific provisions set out in this Article 1 (Subscription Service).

1.1. Activation of the Subscription
In order to activate the Subscription Service, the User must select the "subscription" payment option and the mailing frequency from among those available on the product page to which he or she wishes to subscribe.
By proceeding to the actual purchase of at least one subscription product, the User assumes the role of Subscription User.
The Subscriber User has access to the "Subscription management" section, where he can change the frequency of reception of products purchased by subscription.

1.2. Subscription purchase order
The order for the purchase of Products by means of the Subscription Service sent by the Subscriber User shall only be binding on the Company if the entire procedure for activating this Service has been duly and correctly completed without any error message being displayed by the Website.

1.2.1. Acceptance
The Company's acceptance of the activation of the Subscription Service involves the recurrent debiting of the cost of the selected subscription products from your credit card in addition to the delivery costs, if any.
Acceptance by the Company of the modification of individual subscription products requires explicit payment by the User and results in the charge to the credit card of the cost relating to the subscription as modified due to the replaced Products. Unless confirmed by the User with explicit payment, changes to the subscription order will not be confirmed in the recurring charge.

1.2.2. Confirmation of the order
Following acceptance, the Subscriber User will receive confirmation of the order by email, summarising the Products ordered and their prices and the general and special conditions applicable to the order.

1.3. Fee and method of payment
In order to activate the Subscription Service, the Subscriber User must select the payment method from those available on the Website.

1.3.1. Payment by credit card
The circuits on which purchases can be made on the Website are the following:
For maximum security, the User shall make the payment transaction directly on the secure server of the payment system provider.
The data for payment by credit cards are processed directly by the payment system provider as specified in the Privacy Policy.

1.3.2. Specific obligations of the Subscriber
The Subscriber User hereby undertakes to promptly update the data provided in the event of a change in the payment method selected when activating the Subscription Service, as well as any subsequent changes.
Should the failure to update the respective payment details make it impossible to proceed with payment for the Subscription Service, Domus Parfum S.r.l. shall be entitled to suspend the provision of the Subscription Service until the date on which the information required to complete payment is settled.

1.3.3. By activating the Subscription Service, the Subscriber User
a) guarantees the availability of the sum required to pay for the Products ordered through the Subscription Service and, in the event of renewal of orders for the purchase of Products, guarantees the availability of the amount required for each renewal period prior to expiry;
b) expressly authorises the Company or third parties authorised by the Company to store the credit card identification on their systems in order to allow the same to be repurchased in an easy way;
c) expressly authorises the Company to make the receipt/invoice of the Subscription Service available on the Personal Profile (section "My expenses") where it will be available for downloading the electronic document;
d) expressly authorises the Company or third parties authorised by the Company to periodically credit the amount for the purchases and the weekly/biweekly cost of the Subscription Service according to the payment method indicated at the time of activation of the Service, as may be subsequently modified.

1.3.4. Invoicing
If the purchase is made by a professional, it will be possible to request the issue of an invoice by checking the appropriate box during the order process and entering the invoicing data including tax code.